Saturday, February 14, 2009
Edit: Those who know, my livejournal link was kind of screwed. I fixed it now. Sorry about the uh, inconveniences caused. (Why do I sound like a corny public sign.)
I know I haven't been posting. But guess what? I just did.
Uh huh, I'm moving. I'll leave my blog here, 'cause I really cannot bear to delete all those posts. Memories, you know? 8'D
You can re-link, you can not. It's entirely up to you. I know relinking is troublesome.
And by the way, over there, there won't be a tagboard. So comment, okay? I've allowed anonymous commenting, so you don't have to have an account. Don't leave me with 0 comments all the time. It's a sad thing, really.
:'D And I suggest livejournal. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than blogger. It doesn't make me want to kill it.