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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Edit: Those who know, my livejournal link was kind of screwed. I fixed it now. Sorry about the uh, inconveniences caused. (Why do I sound like a corny public sign.)

I know I haven't been posting. But guess what? I just did.


Uh huh, I'm moving. I'll leave my blog here, 'cause I really cannot bear to delete all those posts. Memories, you know? 8'D

You can re-link, you can not. It's entirely up to you. I know relinking is troublesome.

And by the way, over there, there won't be a tagboard. So comment, okay? I've allowed anonymous commenting, so you don't have to have an account. Don't leave me with 0 comments all the time. It's a sad thing, really.

:'D And I suggest livejournal. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than blogger. It doesn't make me want to kill it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'll join Amanda in the awesomeness of Lj one day, I will. Blogger kills me.

A/w, I'm eating my gruelly toasted bread with layers and layers of butter as I type this. Damn calories and whatever fat thing we learnt in Home Economics-.- Butter is way better than magarine.

Got our juniors today, and well, they scare me. A few of them are so good it makes me feel inferior. Which really is an irony, considering they are juniors. I'm still trying to keep my head high and uh, preserve whatever dignity I have left. I don't feel like a senior, at all. The sec2s are so not trained enough D':

But w/e, we'll work hard, YES YES WE WILL. We'll be better than those sec1s, HA. (Although I am quite proud of my "juniors" [I won't reaaaaaally call them juniors until the day I stop feeling as junior as them] because they seem to be respectful enough.)

I'm in desperate need of sleep. Friends (you know who you are), ilusm, never leave me. I'd never be able to do this w/o you.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh joy, I am posting.

Friday, 23rd January:

School cny celebrations killed me. I tried, really really tried, to sit still and pay attention. I failed miserably. I sat still (to some certain extent), but I wasn't listening to anything at all. Our school's cny celebrations are an epic failure ;_;

Had lunch with Vernice and Ziting after school, and we sort of sat in an empty drama studio and talked.

Sunday, 25th January:

Church was awesome, as always. (Since when have I ever said it wasn't? :)) Cell was rather stupid and meaningless. And uh, we had a new visitor! She was Caleb's friend (more like crush, if you ask me).

It was cny's eve, hence all the shops were closed so we (cell group) resorted to eating this:

Our lovely, pathetic reunion lunch.

My dad decided he'd be an hour later in coming to fetch us, so Regine and I took random photos while sitting along the corridor of max pavillion waiting for my parents, who never fail to be late.

Regine is happy with her coke.

So am I.

Artistic shot, by me.

Non artistic shot, by Regine.

Dad finally came and we went home. Had dinner later at cousin's place. Lao-ed the yu shen thingy, which consists of nothing that appeal to me except that cracker thingy.

My dad. If you aren't disturbed, you aren't normal.

Nothing much happened. Gambled at Liz's house, played guitar hero, took random shots which are too ugly for the internet's eyes, and uh, just lazed around.

Yeah, I'm sure you're accustomed to my failure of an excuse: I am tired, bored, don't have time, feel like sleeping. Yada, yada.

Literature screwed up today.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello, cyberspace.

I am so tired. All of you can forget about the 100+ photos I have overdue. I really can't be bothered to upload it now when blogger is being a bitch and I don't want to do anything except sleep for 24 hours straight. And I can't even do that tomorrow, because I have to study. I turned down going out with Nicole, Smel and Gil for that. I can't not study.

Btw, to all my friends I have hardly been talking to (Amanda, Crystal, Siu Ming, Jane, Venetia), I miss you all so much. AMANDA. WHY AREN'T YOU MY PARTNER ANYMORE ;_;


Edit at 2:36 pm:

Why are people so kiasu. It kills me, really.

I don't understand why people have to have 70 over posts in the Geography forum. It doesn't matter if the posts are substantial and well, have some sort of sense in them, or at least a small measure of interest, but they don't. And hello, this is only the second day. Wth is up with all that non-stop posting? You either repeat what has already been said (LIKE HELLO, THE STOP AT TWO POLICY HAS ALREADY BEEN MENTIONED, IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED) or you just copy and paste one whole lot of wikipedia or whatever website jargon and expect people to read and reply to that.

I don't know, I haven't posted (because edulearn isn't allowing me to). And I am not claiming to have perfectly interesting posts, but really. 70 posts altogether on the second day is just... overboard. This happened last year with the History forum too. The whole flooding thing makes this whole forum thing a whole lot less enjoyable.

Ugh. (I'm sorry if I'm being a bitch, but tell me you don't feel this way.)

Friday, January 23, 2009


Just, whatever.

I hate my-good for nothing-self.

Inadequacy is nauseating. Reality slaps you in the face and makes you wonder what the hell just happened.

Really. What the hell just happened?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today is such a tiring day.

I screwed up emotionally. I cannot comprehend what happened, although I think debate h2h kick-started it. Stress is getting the better of us Sec 2s. Everyone is so stressed up it's just been a crazy time.

Even so, I love you, Vk, Esther, Bernadette. We'll work hard together, we will. Academically wise and debate wise. We'll make our sndebate proud.

Monday, January 19, 2009

To all the people who have been awesome, thoughtful, lovely friends.

2 Faith 09:

Thank you for the card, and the song in the morning. Claire, you're awesome - you made it, right? (:

Lau Qian Ying:

I know you love me, lah :D It's okay, I love you too. Study hard next year okay, don't fail French again. I love you tonnnnnnnnnnnns (you don't know how much). J'AIME JANE.


Thank you, partner (: ♥


My love for you is stronger than Key's for Onew. As strong as Yunho's for Jaejoong's. That's a lot, if you didn't realise :D (My "thank you" for you is the shortest, because my one sentence already contains a lot.)

Venetia Kok:

;_; Touched like shit. Thanks for staying up until 12 just to write those for me. I won't throw those away. You're so idiotic sometimes, but that's what's best about you. I love you so freaking much ♥ 私は愛する


Lianne: You're one of the most important people in my life. I love you with all my heart.

: We grew up liking Rainie Yang, Mike He ...etc together, and I'll never forget those times we stayed up 'till wee hours talking on msn and watching videos together. I love you ♥

Deborah: I knew you this year, didn't I? It feels like forever (: I love you to the max. Come over to my place more often okay, during the holidays. Let's work hard together this year!

Sarah: I'm so glad Esse brought you into our cell. You're one of us now (: We'll be together forever, no?

Carissa: Thank you honey, for silently being one of my closest friends. I love you tons okay, sister.

Regine: You won't see this, but I appreciate you so much. Wonder what I'd do without you ♥ Friends for life.

Amanda Wong: Thank you for your present, dear (:



Here's a riddle: What's 9083248907435098720957x bigger than you? MY LOVE FOR YOU. (Epic fail ;_;) God only knows how much I love you. More than DBSK (this is an extremely dangerous thing to say). Stay short, 'cause I like you that way. I love you to death ♥ I mean it.


I love you, with all my heart mind and soul (:D) You know that, right? Your letter thingy made me cry. I love you so much. I don't know what to say except: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I love you for everything that you are. I don't know what I'd ever do without you. Let's work hard together! We can do it, okay? Ilu. Forever, let's walk together.


I wish there could be more ways to say I love you, so I'd sound more sincere. But I do (love you), anyway. More than I can say, more than you'd know. Thank you for being the only one there for me for so manyt imes. I'd do for you twice what you'd do for me, you know that right? ♥ You make my previously mundane life so much brighter. I love you, I really do. We'll be friends until 30.


YOU ARE ONE AWESOME FRIEND. Like you said, I wasn't close to you in the beginning of the year (how stupid), but towards the end, we became really close, and I love you to death now. Stay pretty okay, darling. WE'LL HAVE MANY MORE CRAZY PINKY HAPPY MOMENTS TOGETHER. Ilusfm. ♥

To all the rest:

Thank you. I read through every single one, laughed and smiled through every single one, and felt your love through every single one. Everyone means so much to me, and I wish I could name you guys down. Those who aren't close to me, thank you for taking the time to write anyway. Those who are, I love you, thank you. Especially my debators: I love you to the end.

My favourite part of the book. They wrote how my boyfriend should be like. YUNHO-LIKE! :D

ELDDS is a life-changer. I love you all with all my being.

A big thank you to all other people who has wished me a happy birthday. It was a very happy one. Thank you, Amanda, Ziting, Vernice for the cake. I wish I could do more to tell you how much I appreciate it, or how much I love you. But I can't. Just know that I love you three more than I can ever say.

20th January 8:08pm Edit:
I LIKE YOUR CARD, THANKS. And no, I totally appreciated your message left on msn - I copied and saved it on Word Doc (: I LOVE YOU SUPER SUPER ALOT TOO ♥ I was practising how to write "Saranghaeyo" when I received your card :D
HAHAH ILU. We'll trash XX together. If possible, during our under 14 competition :D LET'S JY TOGETHER.